Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Aquatic Invasive Plants

I was having a discussion with another Maine REALTOR® today about the damaging effects of the invasive plant, Milfoil. I wondered what I could do to help protect our lakes and streams from this invader. To find out more information, I did a Google search and came across many interesting articles. One that I thought was especially helpful was the article "Preserve Maine Waters" Stickers.
Efforts to prevent, detect and manage aquatic invasive plants are made possible by boater participation in the Maine Lake and River Protection Sticker program.
I found out that, beginning in 2002, in Maine there was a new sticker requirement for all motorized watercraft on inland waters . They must display the Lake and River Protection Sticker ("Preserve Maine Waters").
No sticker is required for operating a boat in tidal waters. The Warden Service determines the boundary between inland and tidal waters on tidal rivers. The definition of "Motorized watercraft" includes any boat with any type of motor, including canoes with electric motors and personal watercraft.
How much? The Maine Resident sticker costs $10. The Nonresident sticker costs $20. The cost depends on the residency of the boat, not the boater! Out-of-state residents who register their boat in Maine pay the "Resident" sticker fee. Where to get it?: Stickers are available for sale wherever boats are registered or fishing licenses are sold. Where to put it? Stickers are to be placed next to your registration sticker. These stickers may also be
purchased on-line through the IF&W on-line store. (off-site) .

It's a small price to pay, and very little effort, to help protect our Maine lakes and rivers. Please spread the word...not the plant.

REALTOR® gramEpat Technorati Tag Real Estate

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