We had a great time last weekend, touring New England with our street rodder friends.
Car Photo Above (2009) : "Ernd It"belongs to our Canadian friends Greg and Sharon Hayes. Their fabulous car has won several awards at the recent NSRA shows...
The photo below (2009) : A view of Jim and Louise DeWare's beautiful car...tootin' down the highway.
Instead of the Real Estate phrase 'a room with a view'...we have a '67 Corvette with a view" !

Attention Leaf Peepers: In the next few weeks, Fall foliage should be at it's peak in Acadia National Park.
(BTW: If you have not made your fall vacation plans yet, we still have a few openings left in our Acadia Pines Chalets.)
Hope to have the '31 Chevy 'on the road again' for next year's rod run to Burlington Vermont for the NSRA Northeast Street Rod Association Nationals Event!