I love taking walks in Somesville village (MY Piece of Maine) , and visiting my favorite spots.
In the heart of the village, sits our little Historical Museum which overlooks the local library, ancient mill pond and breathtakingly beautiful Somes Harbor. In the distance you can see Norumbega and Sargent Mountains . 
Beside the Museum is a lovely garden that has become a focus for education about the flowering plants and herbs which have grown in abundance on Mt.Desert Island. Each summer there are new exhibits featuring Mount Desert Island history topics and children's activities.
We recently added an informational sign about the recent Mill Pond Fishways Project. It describes the completion of a three-year project to restore and repair deteriorated fishways and recover historic fish habitat on Mount Desert Island.
FYI: The Somesville fishways are part of the Long Pond and Somes Pond watershed, which comprise more than one stream-mile and more than 1000 acres of lake and stream spawning habitat for diadromous (searun) fish (alewives, sea lamprey and American eel). Passage has recently been restored throughout the Somes Pond-Long Pond watershed. **
(If you stand on the bridge by the museum, you can watch the fish swimming thru the fish ladders).
**Thank you, David Lamon !! (Executive Director of the Somes-Meynell Wildlife Sanctuary who coordinated this ambitious restoration project, and even volunteered to count alewives! )
Realtor GramEpat E.Pat Foster Real Estate, Somesville Carriage House technorati tag