Monday, October 10, 2011

Moon River and Me

♪♫♪♫"Moon River... "I'm crossing you in style some day" ♪♫♪♫
2011 October 'Moon River' in Acadia
50 years later and it seems like yesterday....( Thank you, Audrey Hepburn...for your sharing your talent and grace)

I may not be having Breakfast at Tiffany's...but it's hard to beat 'Breakfast at Jordan's'...(in Bar Harbor)... (Thank you, David Paine for sharing your talents and grace!)

♪♫♪♫"off to see the world..There's such a lot of world to see" ♪♫♪♫

(Let me know when you are 'off to see the world'...and want to vacation in Acadia...I'll be happy to help)
REALTOR gramEpat

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