Just leave it up to Google to come up with something like this!!!
Here's a number worth putting in your cell phone, or your home phone speed dial: 1-800-goog411. This convenient service from Google is FREE-- Great when you are on the road.

For instance, if we are driving along in our automobile and we need to call a hotel to confirm our reservations, and don't know the number, I can just hit the number on my contact list that I have programmed.
When the call is made, the voice at the other end says, 'City & State.' I say, ' Orlando, Florida' He says, 'Business, Name or Type of Service.' I say, 'Peabody Hotel.' He says, 'Connecting' and Peabody answers the phone. Isn't that JUST DUCKY? (<- click the link to see the March of the ducks) How cool is that?
This google service is nationwide and FREE!

Realtor GramEpat
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1 comment:
Another great FREE directory assistance number I use is 1-800-FREE411. I like it because not only does it offer free business listings, but it also offers residential and government listings (which GOOG411 does not). I used it when I was traveling over Thanksgiving and in New Jersey! It was so easy!
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