It's Easy to Be Green: Cell Phone Recycling
Thinking of asking Santa for a new phone for Christmas this year?
It seems too bad that tens of millions of used cellular telephones are put in boxes every year, never to be used again. Phones are useful, and contain toxic materials. Why not consider donating your old wireless phone . It can be
Recycled phones go overseas to people who can't get regular telephone service, or to people in abusive relationships (the phones are programmed to call 911 only). Try to collect as many parts as possible.Phones or phone parts (like batteries & cords) are collected. Before you drop off your phone and /or at any Sprint PCS or Staples chain store, check with your local organizations to see if anyone is doing frundraising projects...or see CollectiveGood or for mailing information. It's easy to have a green holiday.
Hi,now a days so many people buy a new cell's very usefull to us.but if u are saying like that,people were keep the phones in a box.but these phones are giving to the poor people or donot buy any cell recycling process is very good opinion is also to collect the cells or cell parts are recycled to the people.bye.
Hi James,
Agreed... I realized the value of recycling mobile phones when i traveled in Africa, experienced the plight of people, we would be doing a worthy cause..Put on the show guys1
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